
My name is Søren Bie. Born 1964. I work and live in Copenhagen, Denmark, Scandinavia. This website is my personal online playground, which shows a little about my creative world. I graduated as a graphic designer from the classic analog school, but today I primarily work digitally.

On a daily basis, I juggle several different topics within multimedia. My palette consists of web development, graphic design, illustration, desktop publishing, where I primarily work with the CMS system WordPress, where development and maintenance of web projects is a large part of my work.

Of some of my own online projects I mainly focus on cultural history, art biography and urban art. Among my research and studies published online include Saint Joan of Arc (1412-1431) and the artist Marie Krøyer (1867-1940).

Søren Bie Januar 2024

For a longer period I have also studied and worked with handmade reconstructions of medieval typography and manuscripts

My latest web and non-profit project, is a tribute to the 100th anniversary gift to where I grew up and live today. Classens Have.

When I have time to spare, I have created and worked with electronic music as a pure hobby since the early 80s. It has developed into a little underground record label named  Skyfi Records, with so far, three own small independent releases.

La Vie Bohème