Logo design
Worked a lot with logo design, both typographic and figurative. Most of the logos I make today are made in connection with web design tasks, often a simple typographical expression. Have previously made quite a few fun figurative logos, e.g. for association magazines, nurseries and kindergartens, etc.

Examples of variations and presentations of a logo design. Here for CC Consilium dec. 2021

The Babysam logo figure is probably the most officially known logo I have created. The little figure “Sam” was the company’s mascot for almost 20 years. Here you could see on many cars the sticker, “children in the car”
You could see Sam on facades and goods trucks, in product catalogs and even a small teddy bear was produced for a while. A rather fun task, I have had great pleasure in recognizing it in the cityscape.

Mariposa Samba school
A probably less well-known but definitely a favorite figure logo is “Marie” – butterfly dancer that I created for Mariposa Sambaskole Copenhagen.The association Østerbros Karnevalsgruppe, which had been involved since the first Copenhagen carnival in 1982, had chosen to change its name to Mariposa samba school.
The school’s basic color was bright red and it gave a rather strong visual expression. The logo was, among other things, sewn onto the school banner, and could be seen on T-shirts and their association magazine.