A dedication gift for its 100th anniversary in 2024. The project is about the history and memories surrounding the battle of Classen Have 1807. And the property “Ved Classen Have”, as well as the garden facility.
Classens-have.dk. This web project focuses on a specific small part of Copenhagen’s history. “Classens Have” and mainly focuses on the historical aspect that Classens Have is so rich in. This applies to both history and memories surrounding the battle of Classen Have, and the Danish defense during Copenhagen’s terror bombardment in 1807, which was carried out by the English during the Napoleonic Wars.
The project is also about the property Ved Classen Have, as well as the garden facility that is experienced and enjoyed by many every day. The project is open to anyone with an interest in the subject and everyone is welcome to contribute relevant content.
Projects are exclusively written in Danish.
The project was created and founded in fall 2022 and the website went online 01-04-2023