In addition to web design and illustration, sometimes also works with desktop design. Here I carry out tasks from individual illustrations to entire book layouts. However, it is not that often that I work with graphics for print, and most of the tasks I solve today are experienced online or on a screen. That is why it is always a nice experience to sit with a concrete result in hand. I don’t often work with business cards, flyers, brochures/booklets. Probably mostly because there is so much focus on online tasks.
The impact of typography
I always focus on the choice of typography. I consider it an important choice for each specific task. Should it be a classic or Mordene font. Should there be a thin or powerful font, with or without feet.
Little boy in red shirt
By Jørn Bie (1939 – 2023)
To date, the largest book assignment that I have worked on. I have the responsibility to follow and build this entire project from start to the actual printing process.
The task had been given by my good father, and although it was a long and complicated task to solve, it was very pleasant and very educational.
Consider this assignment as my journeyman piece in book design and printing. Have written a longer blog post about this book assignment.
Manual For Sjælen
By Steen Kofoed
In this book assignment, I focused on a smoke-obscured design.
In the interior of the book I used a light transparent background texturing and a soft typography that fit in with the subject and the whole.
I chose to make the cover dark, with some light effects so that it appeared mysterious with shadow play in the smoke effect.